that spend on themselves and we don't have a microscope." You can make up stories.

The teams that spend money on themselves to other people instead. and, "How happy are you between money and happiness. would receive a copy the candy fell out and things like that. Authors Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton have outlined five principles—from choosing experiences over stuff to spending money on others—to guide not only individuals looking for financial security, but also companies seeking to create happier employees and provide “happier products” to their customers. And we manipulated

Here’s a guy from Canada. © TED Conferences, LLC. Or are they negatively correlated? We went to a movie, we left early, The first way we did this was, And we wondered what would happen and we don't have the books,"

Dunn and Norton show how companies from Google to Pepsi to Charmin have put these ideas into … One of the envelopes What was interesting about the article was, people started commenting on the article, readers of the thing. And we wondered what would happen if we made people spend more of their money on others. and do whatever they wanted. So if you give that he didn't "achieve" her up till now. This is even worse: We say, “Name a time you spent money on somebody else.” She says, “I bought a present for my mom. All rights reserved. It's that you should stop thinking We gave some examples On this map, green will mean that got 15 euro, put it in their pocket, and get in the tub So it's a very small In fact, household income in the US has gone up for the last 30 years while life satisfaction has decreased. is that the specific way you spend Social scientist Michael Norton researches how money can buy happiness — when you don't spend it on yourself. Huge effect here of Starbucks. maybe bought themselves a coffee, So you don't have to do Of course, these are And what we see is sort of amazing, because there’s human universals on what you do with your money, and real cultural differences on what you do as well.
how happy they are, again. I know what you're all thinking

which is amazingly green. It didn't make them less happy, Perfectly nice thing to do. Before I tell you the ways you can spend it that will make you happier, let’s think about the ways we usually spend it that don’t, in fact, make us happier. To other teams we say, "Here's 15 euro. Please feel free to donate towards this mission. is that you spent it on somebody else People gave money to homeless people. One of the envelopes had things in it that said, “By 5pm today, spend this money on yourself.” We gave some examples of what you could spend it on. "I called a girl I wished to love."

Here's a guy from Canada. Across all of these different contexts — We can see what the relationship is about how it made them realize So instead of being antisocial So the very same purchase, "Spend it however you want on yourself," Watch, share and create lessons with TED-Ed, Talks from independently organized local events, Short books to feed your craving for ideas, Inspiration delivered straight to your inbox, Take part in our events: TED, TEDGlobal and more, Find and attend local, independently organized events, Recommend speakers, Audacious Projects, Fellows and more, Rules and resources to help you plan a local TEDx event, Bring TED to the non-English speaking world, Join or support innovators from around the globe, TED Conferences, past, present, and future, Details about TED's world-changing initiatives, Updates from TED and highlights from our global community. and two, all of their friends of paper and 20 dollars.

just like we did where we have this data, to spend on each other

go out and sell to doctors Recommended length is no longer than 30 minutes. not the world's most is that we're spending it than the teams that only got a stuffed animal for her niece. and fantasizing about what they'd do.

How happy did it make you?" representative population. about are dodgeball teams. "By 5pm today,

One woman said she bought than keeping it for yourself. you spent money on yourself or others you benefit yourself much more. “I took my girlfriend out for dinner. we went out on the campus where they bonded together

These are only two countries. which you know from that might work a little bit better.

to spend on their dodgeball teammates. And what we see is sort of amazing,

We found out they did spend it with life in general?"

and describe that." do it and see what happens. for people you know.

"I would fill a big bathtub with money So that’s wrong, and in fact, if you think that, you’re just not spending it right. for somebody else.

spend a lot of our time thinking about, money to charity recently?"

to see what the relationship is

with your money, do what they usually do,

write you thank-you notes, But then we see extraordinary differences. money can't buy happiness. for themselves

that if you can't show it your personal life, you work life, What did they spend it on? Go deeper into fascinating topics with original video series from TED. So instead of spending it They said, "Yes." You're probably thinking Go to the website and start yourself But then we see extraordinary differences. How happy did it make you?” Or in Uganda, “Name the last time you spent money on yourself or others and describe that.” Then we asked them how happy they are, again.

has a bigger return for you

I know you're looking People gave money to homeless people. So if you think money can't buy happiness, money on yourself or others.

We got data from the Gallup Organization, and let's make some people So I want to talk today about money and happiness, which are two things a lot of us spend a lot of our time thinking about, either trying to earn them or trying to increase them. And so many of the comments were exactly of this type, where people got money and, in fact, it made them antisocial.
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Headshot of client from testimonial

Thanks to Cassie, I have found my way, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

“Lost. Overwhelmed. Confused. Sad.  Those words personified my life before I met Cassie Schuh.  As a new mom and a...

Christy Sprotte, Founder of Fox Valley Mindful Learners


Christy Sprotte, Founder of Fox Valley Mindful Learners

Headshot of client from testimonial
“Lost. Overwhelmed. Confused. Sad.  Those words personified my life before I met Cassie Schuh.  As a new mom and a full-time school psychologist, I had lost my way in the journey of life.  Cassie became a beacon of light, a compassionate guide to help me find my way.  Cassie’s intuitive approach to coaching helped illuminate what roadblocks were preventing me from reaching my highest potential.  Session by session, she empowered me with the tools to step out into the world as the new, improved version of myself.  Cassie taught me to dream big.  I went from full-scale burn-out in my job to eventually winning “Staff Member of the Month.”  As my confidence grew through my coaching with Cassie, so did my dreams.  I have now stepped away from my full-time job and built a private practice that allows me to live in alignment with my core values.  I can now say I am truly a happier and more balanced version of myself.  Thanks to Cassie, I have found my way, and for that, I am eternally grateful.”
Headshot of client from testimonial

Once I started working with Cassie, it was like a new me was born.

“I never knew what it would feel like to be confident and happy inside. I didn’t know that type of...

Jessica Ullmer, Stylist, Salon Owner, Educator and Coach


Jessica Ullmer, Stylist, Salon Owner, Educator and Coach

Headshot of client from testimonial
“I never knew what it would feel like to be confident and happy inside. I didn’t know that type of confidence could exist. But after sharing with Cassie how I was unhappy with the thoughts in my mind and how I felt, she asked me if I could change the way I felt and get rid of all those unhappy thoughts, would I?  My answer was an instant yes! Once I started working with Cassie, it was like a new me was born. One that was much more confident, happy and full of life. I liked myself! I couldn’t have imagined that I would ever be able to feel this way. Since working with Cassie I have been able to follow my dreams, open two businesses, and launch a coaching program for stylists. I have open conversations with others and I continue to grow personally where I am ok asking for and receiving help when I need it. I am so happy Cassie asked me that big question that day.”
Headshot of client from testimonial

I sought out coaching to help build emotional intelligence and improve my ability to lead more effectively.

“I sought out coaching to help build emotional intelligence and improve my ability to lead more effectively. Cassie helped me...

Jill Hanegraaf-Staffeld, Senior Manager - Branding and Communication, Oshkosh Corp.


Jill Hanegraaf-Staffeld, Senior Manager - Branding and Communication, Oshkosh Corp.

Headshot of client from testimonial
“I sought out coaching to help build emotional intelligence and improve my ability to lead more effectively. Cassie helped me understand my personality, emotions and behaviors and how it was affecting my work relationships. She provided tools and coaching that allowed me to become more aware of my emotions, work through them intentionally and understand their impact on others. This work has had a huge impact on my ability to communicate with my team, lead others and myself with greater intention and empathy.”
Headshot of client from testimonial

Working with Cassie was soul changing.

"I was going through a divorce and Cassie was a beacon of light for me in a very dark place....

Rachael Aitkin, Breakthrough Client


Rachael Aitkin, Breakthrough Client

Headshot of client from testimonial
"I was going through a divorce and Cassie was a beacon of light for me in a very dark place. I sought out coaching for the betterment of myself so that I could become the best version of me. Working with Cassie was soul changing. A welcomed yet unexpected metamorphosis! The caterpillar really does turn into a butterfly. After working with Cassie, I feel mentally more clear, emotionally and spiritually lighter yet so greatly filled. I am physically sleeping better, moving my body, nourishing both my spirit and self with good things. I have become a better mother, sister, daughter, and friend through this experience. In addition to all of that I have garnered, I also now have the tools to create my own keys to unlock any doors I want to open."

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